A 9-letter word for where you can buy the Sunday Times is at a 'newsstand'. You can also buy it at a retail store.
Ea_re <-need missing letter: source: nytimes Sunday crossword June 1, 1986
good times=fun
Here is a list:aversionablationabderianassassinauroreanausonianavercornavulsionallusionaphelionAnglicanallergenalkarsinambrosin...and many more.
Newstand, but this always depends. The question is highly ambiguous. Moon and will rhyme with news stand, but "Moon and you but the Sunday times here?" could be: Soon and new, f**k the someday mind-seer. It all depends on how complex you want to go. No single nine-letter word straight rhymes with that.
You might buy the Sunday Times at a newsstand, drugstore or the supermarket.(The original version of this question specified a word with the vowel sound of the word "moon" which is the long OO heard in "news" and "newsstand.")
The word 'Sunday' does not exist in the King James version of the Bible.
The silent letter in the word here is the e at the end.
just get a pdf of the bible and search for the word Sunday check the no of search results
Melchizedek, the word Sunday isn't mentioned once
There's no seven letter word, here are the possible six letter words:atonernatronnonartornatetannertonner
I can't think of a way to do that by changing a letter three times, but here are two where you change the letter twice: Ratio - Ratis(latin word meaning raft or boat) - Rates Ratio - Rateo(Italian word meaning accrual or accumulation) - Rates
Ea_re <-need missing letter: source: nytimes Sunday crossword June 1, 1986