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Some five letter words that start with B are:

  1. bacon
  2. bagel
  3. banjo
  4. began, begin
  5. below
  6. bench
  7. berth
  8. binge
  9. bingo
  10. birch
  11. birth
  12. black
  13. blare
  14. bleak
  15. bleat
  16. blend
  17. blink
  18. boast
  19. break
  20. brook
  21. brown
  22. bugle
  23. bunch
  24. burnt
  25. burst
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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

barge, belly, bilge, bosun, bulge, byway, broom, bloom, begin

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