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Q: 5 letter word starting with w ending with double letters?
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Five letter word ending with double letters?


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no. no.

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What fruit contain 4 letters starting with l and ending with letter e?

lime !

Ending with a double letter but has another 2 different double letters in it?

The word "bookkeeper" fits this description. It ends with a double "r" and also has two different double letters in it, which are "oo" and "ee."

What is k l m n?

Those are consecutive letters in the English alphabet, starting with the letter 'k' and ending with the letter 'n'.

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Overnight sojourn

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What Three letter words ending in double letters?

PEE ZOO See Too Pooaddallassboocooebbeggerrfeegooheeillinnmoooddoffteewee

A eight letter word starting with f and ending with ist?

Feminist and finalist are 8 letter words. They end with the letters IST.