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Q: 5 letter word starting with br and ending with t?
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What word starting with br that when you add the letter E becomes another word that sounds the same?

Braking and breaking

What 5 letter word starts with br and ends with t?


Another word for a group of people starting with br?

brood : a group of young animals or children

What four letter word starts with Br?

It could be brio, bred, brag, brew, brie...

City names starting with letter G?

Goiânia(Br.), Galveston(USA), Galway(Ireland) Gandja(URSS), Garanhuns(Br),Gary(USA), Gateshead(UK), Genéve(Switz) Genoa(It) Gijón(Sp)Gloucester(UK)

What does Br at the end of a letter stand for?

"Br" at the end of a letter typically stands for "Best regards." It is a common way to close a letter or email in a polite and friendly manner.

What are words starting with BR?

1.Bread 2.Breaha

Can you end a sentence with the word I?

I can, but would I? Yes.<br><br>For example, in comparisons, you would say, "He is taller than I." "He is taller than me" is grammatically incorrect.<br><br>It would help, however, if you gave an example. You wouldn't say, "He gave it to I." <br><br><br>

What is the opposite of slow starting with br?

The opposite of slow starting with "br" is "brisk." Brisk is defined as quick and energetic in action or movement. It is a term often used to describe a fast pace or speed.

What does the letter BR stand for at the end of letter?

I believe it stands for best regards.

What are 5 letter words that start with br?


Opposite of hard using a br word?

Ah, what a lovely question. The opposite of hard using a "br" word would be "soft." Just like how delicate brush strokes can create beautiful, gentle landscapes on our canvas. Remember, there are no mistakes, just happy little accidents.