words ending in ar do not all have the same meaning. a simple example is compare the meaning of the words 'altar' and 'star.' Basically,you need to specify a word you want the meaning for. So i'd advice you to re-ask this question because at the moment it is unanswerable.
me chupa pito
Artistic is a positive word.
spear swear radar cigar bazar (another spelling for bazaar) Friar sonar clear solar shear briar cedar dewar
clear, smear, swear, molar, polar, bolar, spear
Soar, boar, scar, roar, fear, dear, char, pear, year, agar, gear, hear, ajar, near, wear.
The letter R is usually written as a capital R. The phonetic sound is ar or are.
MARS bar
* registrar
Car WordSorry, no one-word rhymes, but only one word ending in -ar and another with -rd (with an -ard pronunciation)pig lard
ar is not a letter. R is a letter. The plural would be Rs.
words ending in ar do not all have the same meaning. a simple example is compare the meaning of the words 'altar' and 'star.' Basically,you need to specify a word you want the meaning for. So i'd advice you to re-ask this question because at the moment it is unanswerable.