look under attached oneLook. so many words: examples are: Koala and viola and Bella and calla
Some words that end with 'la' are:bolaEbolaflotillagorillahulahooplaManilamantillatortillavanilla
La and also Lo (i.e. behold). Ly may be acceptable, depending on whether the Chinese fruit can be a Ly Chee or only a Lychee.These are the three legal Scrabble words from the TWL, (the North American Scrabble dictionary):lalilo
la, ya Ma and Pa are also two letter words that end in a.
calla, Ebola, fella, koala, phyla, tabla, uvula, villa, viola, voila
Ba British Airways Ha Sound of laughing Ja Yes in slang Ka Ford Ka La ...
look under attached oneLook. so many words: examples are: Koala and viola and Bella and calla
la terminaison (fem.) (especially for verbs endings)
Oh, dude, you want me to list 13 capital cities that start and end with the same letter? Alright, let's see... how about Oslo, Ottawa, and Vienna? Oh, and let's not forget Yaoundé and Addis Ababa. Boom, nailed it!
viola, voila
calla, Ebola, fella, koala, phyla, tabla, uvula, villa, viola, voila