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puke, mute, duet, mule, duel, fuel, rule, lube, tube, cube, huge, sure, lure, pure, true, dune, tune, rune, slue, yule, nude, rude, Jude, dude, muse, fuse, luke, juke, duke, luge, dupe,

That's all I can think of.

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Q: 4 letter word with u and e vowels?
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How many vowels in the word because?

Vowels are: A, E, I, O, U and sometimes Y. Therefore in the word "because" there are: e, a u e - 4 vowels.

How many vowels are in Eugene?

There are 4 vowels in the name "Eugene" - E, u, e, and e.

How many vowels are in the word hypothesis?

The word "hypothesis" contains three vowels: o, e, and i. Vowels are the letters a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y. In this case, the letter y in "hypothesis" is not acting as a vowel, so it is not counted.

What 4 letter word has all vowels except a t?

it is not possible A E I O U (Y) -6 VOWELS * * * * -FOUR LETTERS MAYBE THE QUESTION IS

How many vowels in the word quietly?

There are three vowels in the word "quietly" which are the letters u, i, and e.

How many vowels in the word mathematics?

Vowels are the letters "a e i o u"mathematicsThere are therefore 4 vowels in the word (I have made them bold for you to see).

What 4 letter word starts with an R and ends with an E and means a kind of work and the missing letters are vowels?

Rake perhaps?

How many vowels are in the word eagle?

Vowels you see are e, a, and e. Vowels you hear are e and e.

How many vowels ar in the word Mississippi?

4. vowels are a e i o u. there are four i's in it.....

How many vowels are in the word February?

The word "February" has three vowels: e, u, and a. It is important to note that the vowels are counted based on the individual letters, not the number of syllables in the word. In this case, the vowels are e, u, and a, making a total of three vowels in the word "February."

What is the short vowels in the word benefit?

The short vowels in the word "benefit" are "e" and "i".

What is a 6 letter word that has 3 vowels and 3 consonants?

"Yellow" is a 6-letter word with 3 vowels (e, o, and o) and 3 consonants (y, l, and w).