Roof. The roof of the mouth is where your sinuses rest, on the other side.
A 5 letter word that starts with an L is Lipid
A six letter word that starts with U is upward.
There is only one word that starts with the letter E an and with a V. This word is elov.
What is a word that starts with the letter y that has to do with earth history?
The letter you is not a letter but a word . Yet the letter U is the first letter in the word universal and also in the word undercarriage.
Ark is part of the circle's circumference.
The iris is the part of the eye that is a 4-letter word and starts with the letter "i." The iris is the colored part of the eye that surrounds the pupil and controls the amount of light entering the eye.
6 Letter word starts with A is "Africa".
letter word that starts with a g?"
The word 'south' starts with a capital letter when it is the first letter in a sentence, for example: "South is in that direction." The word 'south' starts with a capital letter when it is part of a proper noun, for example: "South Dakota" or "New South Wales".
A 5 letter word that starts with an L is Lipid
"Deux" is a French word that starts with the letter D, which means "two" in English.
Candlepin is a 9 letter word for bowling that starts with can.