Pear is a 4 letter fruit. Plum is another 4 letter fruit.
Date ends with the letter e. It is a fruit.
A four letter fruit that may contain these letters: jsk atxel u
lime !
Pear is a 4 letter fruit. Plum is another 4 letter fruit.
Date ends with the letter e. It is a fruit.
A four letter fruit that may contain these letters: jsk atxel u
The small fruit that starts with the letter P and is 4 letters long is a plum. They have a stone, or pit inside them.
Ugli fruit and Ulluco and Urad and Uterusberry and Ugni!
lime !
Kiwi, lime, pear, and plum are all fruits with 4-letter names.
Ah, a delightful question! The fruit you're thinking of is a date. Dates are sweet and come in many varieties, perfect for snacking or adding to your favorite recipes. Keep exploring the wonderful world of fruits, my friend, there's so much beauty to discover!