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Q: 3 sets of double letters words?
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What are words with 3 sets of double letters next to each other?


What word has 3 consecutive double letters in it?

The English word BOOKKEEPING or BOOKKEEPER has three sets of consecutive double letters. SUBBOOKKEEPER is the only word with four sets of consecutive double letters, although these words should be hyphenated.

How many double letters are in the word bookkeeper?

3. Actually, it is the only English word with 3 sets of double letters in a row.

What 2 states have 3 sets of double letters?

Mississippi & Tennessee

Words with 3 pairs of double letters?


What 3 letter words with double letters?


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What word contains 3 consecutive sets of double letters in a row?

The only one I can think of is bookkeeper. Are there others?

What 3 words in the English language have 2 sets of double letters in each word?

Well, there's probably more than three. Right now I could only think of "balloon" and raccoon though, assuming that you meant those double letters have to be next to each other.

What words have three double letters in the middle?

words with 3 doulbe letters are.... tweeet, helllo, and goood bye!!!!! I hope that helped you words with 3 doulbe letters are.... tweeet, helllo, and goood bye!!!!! I hope that helped you lame answer. a real answer is bookkeeper. yes, that's a real word.

What word has 3 sets of double consanants?


Is there a word with three sets of double letters?

words with 3 consecutive sets of double letters include:bookkeeperbookkeepersbookkeepingsubbookkeeper (which as 4)If you count hyphenated words:deer-reevefeed-doorheel-loophoof-footedhoot-tootkeek-keekSoonneeSweet-toothtoot-tootveneer-roomwood-deerAlso the Brisbane Australia suburb of Woolloomooloo