One possibility is the word "dun", the horse color described as neutral brown-gray or tan.
The second letter of quarter is u.The answer is the letter u, as the word is quarter.u as in quarter
Some five letter words with U in the middle are:abuseazurebluntblurbblushbrushchurnchumpclumpcrushdauntdoubtdruidfluidfruitgourdgrumpgrunthaunthoundhousejoustlousemauvemousemouthplushpoundroughroundroutesaucesautesoundsouthtouchvouchyouth
three (3) letter word: Utu. ulu. four (4) letter word: unau. Urdu. seven (7) letter word: umbundu.
One possibility is the word "dun", the horse color described as neutral brown-gray or tan.
No, "huge" is not a long U word. A long U word would have the "u" sound made by the letter U in the middle or end of the word, such as "cube" or "tuba."
fun gun run pun get the idea? :)
Oh, what a happy little question! The word you're looking for is "nurtur." Just like painting a beautiful landscape, sometimes we need to nurture ourselves and others with kindness and care. Keep exploring the world of words, my friend, and let your creativity flow like a gentle stream.
emu eau ecu
A Paw U N00b9WN4G3!!!
three (3) letter word: Utu. ulu. four (4) letter word: unau. Urdu. seven (7) letter word: umbundu.
The second letter of quarter is u.The answer is the letter u, as the word is quarter.u as in quarter