* sigh * thigh * high
The other combinations you can make using that letter combination are:lightlightssighsight
There are about 20 words that end with rot that are valid in Scrabble, including Dogtrot, Foxtrot, Outror, Pierrot, Agorot, Carrot, and Parrot.
There are no English words that end with IQ.
There are no English words that end with the letters EJ.
Some words that end in "igh" include: high, nigh, sigh, and weigh.
high, nigh, sigh, weigh
Sigh, nigh, flight , thigh, fight. That all I know
like high and sigh
* sigh * thigh * high
Yes, "igh" is a vowel digraph. It is commonly found in words like "high" and "light" and represents the long "i" sound.
nigh, thigh, sigh, high
neigh...he he that's all i got
Words like "light," "sight," "delight," and "night" are spelled with "igh" and have a long I sound.
Some examples of words with "igh" pronounced differently include "sleigh" (pronounced as "slay"), "bough" (pronounced as "bow"), and "burial" (pronounced as "bury-ul").
light lights sigh sight slight
Institut IGH was created in 1949.