· accident
· hangover
· headache
· illness
· indigestion
· injury
· overslept
· traffic
Cramps are a reason for being late. They begin with the letter c.
auto accident
electricity outage
Recuperating from an injury is a reason your homework is late. Other reasons include retrieving lost dog or relatives visiting.
Cramps are a reason for being late. They begin with the letter c.
Helping a neighbor is a reason for being late. Husband is ill would be a reason for being late.
Late only has 1 syllable.
The sentence "That was the reason why he came late" is a complex sentence, as it contains an independent clause ("That was the reason") and a dependent clause ("why he came late").
Flat tire is a reason for being late.
1. I slept in late because my alarm clock didn't go off.
Your period can be late for a few reasons. The obvious reason is because you are pregnant, but it can also be late if you are very stressed, or if you have been on any antibiotics lately. And sometimes, periods are just late for no reason.
Tyre was flat or Train was late.
'He is a late entry.' As the word entry is a noun the word late is a adjective.'He is running late.' In this case the word late is modifying the verb 'is'. It isn't telling how he is running but what the state of existence his running is in. In this case late is an adverb.
The word 'why' is an adverb, a conjunction, a noun, and an interjection.The adverb 'why' introduces a question or an adverbial clause.Examples:Why were you late? (the adverb 'why' modifies the verb 'were late')The reason why I was late is due to an electrical outage. (the adverb 'why' introduces the adverbial clause 'why I was late')The conjunction 'why' connects two independent thoughts into one sentence.Example: She never told me why she didn't go back.The noun 'why' is a word for a reason or explanation.Example: You gave the right answer except the why.The interjection 'why' is used to exclaim or protest or command.Example: Why, I never said that!
'Late' is a word in English not Irish.