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Entortilation is one, it means turning into a circle.

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Another seven are

  • Attributively
  • Biostatistics
  • Prostatectomy
  • Metatungstate
  • Heterotactous
  • Antiattrition ( has 4 letter T's)
  • Interstratify
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Q: 13 letter word with 3 T in it?
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What 13 letter word begins with t?

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What is the 3 letter word used for identification?

t - a - g

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What is a 13 letter word with t as the 3rd letter?

I would estimate that there are about 1200 words of your description. Further information required

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What is the phonetic word for the letter T?

The phonetic word for the letter T is Tango.

What is the Greek word for letter T?

The Greek word for the letter t is ταφ, /taf/

What is a Four letter word with the last letter t?

Yes you're correct, what IS a four letter word with the last letter t.