Filling in the missing letters to -t -a -s will form the words tash, task, tasks, or tassels.
The following words can be formed with the letters -t -a -s, tas and sat.
You can fill in the missing letters to -t -a -s to form the words tasar, tasars, taser, and tasered.
The word is apteryx. The missing letters are A-T-R-X.
The letters can be used in spelling the 4 letter words dots and dust. They also are used in the word stud.
P - T - R prestidigitator
You can make the word Scotty out of the letters c o t y t s
The word is apteryx. The missing letters are A-T-R-X.
The letters can be used in spelling the 4 letter words dots and dust. They also are used in the word stud.
Unique letters: 5 (L,E,T,R,S) Total letters: 7 (L,E,T,T,E,R,S)
P - T - R prestidigitator
You can make the word Scotty out of the letters c o t y t s
These letters unscramble to spell United States.
t, f and s.... these are the initial letters of the days of the week.
Words that can be made with the letters 'y e s s c a t' are:aaceactasatateayecasecastcastecatcayeasteasyeatecstasyessaysacsatsatesayscatseaseatsetstaytateayeyeayesyet