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Gambolling - to skip about

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Gable (to wager) and gambol (to cavort).

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Q: What is the homophone of the word gamble?
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What is a homophone for the word gambol?

A homophone for the word gambol is "gamble," which sounds the same but has a different meaning.

What is the homophone for to play for money and to leap about?

The homophone for "to play for money" is "gamble," and the homophone for "to leap about" is "gamble."

What is the homophone to play for money and to leap about?

The homophone for "play for money" is "gamble", while the homophone for "leap about" is "amble".

What is a homophone that means to play for money or to leap about?

The homophone you're referring to is "gamble" and "gambol." "Gamble" means to play games of chance for money, while "gambol" means to leap or skip about playfully.

What is the homophone for gamble?

bettor, better

What is the Homophone for to play for money?

What is the homophone for play for money and to leap about; Gamble, and gambol.

What is the what is the homophone for to play for money?

gamble, gambol

What is the homophone for to play for money to leap about?

gamble, gambol

Is there a homophone for money?

Yes, the homophone for "money" is "munny."

What is the homophone between to play for money and to leap about?

Ah, my friend, the homophone between "to play for money" and "to leap about" is "gamble" and "gamble." Isn't that just delightful? It's like nature's way of playing a little game with our words, creating a beautiful harmony between them. Just remember, there are happy accidents all around us, even in language.

What is homophone for to play for money and to leap about.?

gamble, gambol

What is the homophone for to pay for money and to leap about?

The homophone for "to pay for money" and "to leap about" is "bounce."