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About 2 ounces.

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Q: How much does one teaspoon of cardamom weigh?
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Why does one teaspoon of salt and one teaspoon of sugar weigh the same?

same density ?

How much does one teaspoon of nutmeg weigh?

A teaspoon of ground nutmeg weighs approximately 4 grams, therefore, a quarter or 1/4 of a teaspoon of nutmeg weighs one gramme. :)

How much is one twelfth of a teaspoon?

One twelfth of a teaspoon is a pinch.

Does one teaspoon equal one gram?

No. One is a volume, the other is a weight. 1/4 teaspoon of flour will weigh a lot less than 1/4 teaspoon of lead even if they are both exactly 1/4 teaspoon.

Why is it when you weigh a measured teaspoon of sugar it weighs 23 grams but data on wiki and other sites indicate that one teaspoon of sugar only weighs 4 grams?

You either have an inaccurate weighing scale, or you weighed the teaspoon along with the sugar on the teaspoon (which you're not meant to do - it's only the sugar that you weigh!). Either way, a teaspoon of sugar is much closer to 4 grams than it is to 23 - you should probably check the accuracy of your scale.

How much is one fifteenth of a teaspoon and how much is one fifteenth of half a teaspoon?

Google has a built in calculator that will tell you thisJust put in the conversion and searchex.. 1/2 of 1 parsecor 14 1/2 stone in pounds (to figure out how much your british friends weigh)anyways the answer to "1/15 of 1 teaspoon" is...(1/15) of 1 US teaspoon = 0.328594773 millilitersand the answer to "1/2 of 1/15 of 1 teaspoon in cups" it's really a small amount

How much is 5ml?

One teaspoon.

What is .375 in teaspoon?

.375 ml is much less than one teaspoon. A teaspoon is about 4.92 ml. it is a little more than 1/13th of one teaspoon.

How much is a one teaspoon divided by 3?

That is 1/6 of a teaspoon.

Is one teaspoon equal to one tbsp?

No. 1tsp = 1 teaspoon. 1tbsp = 1 tablespoon which is much bigger

How much does 1 teaspoon of kosher salt weigh?

Since table salt is the stuff you can see and measure, it is useful to know that one teaspoon of table salt weighs about 6 g, or 6,000 mg. There are about 2.4 g sodium in one teaspoon salt. * this is from

How much is in one tablespoon?

One-third of a tablespoon is one teaspoon.