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Coca-Cola, like all soft drinks, contains carbonic acid which will dissolve rust to some degree, but the rust-cleaning benefits are offset by the sugar residue left behind. Simple soda water would be more effective in this case.

If the purpose of dissolving rust is to free parts that have been bound by corrosion, an industrial penetrating lubricant such as Kano Kroil would be better-suited to the task. Kroil is known by industrial mechanics as the best penetrating lubricant on the market. However, it is not readily available from retail outlets. The best source is from the manufacturer's website at

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13y ago
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13y ago

Yes it can and it is also very effective when you are cleaning the commode. You can use it instead of Harpic.

Additionally, If you have been cooking and/or any activity where you have odor in hands that doesn't go with soap, try washing your hands cola and latter with soap, it will take all the odor away :)

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14y ago

Yes, coca cola can remove rust from tools. Try to put a rusty key in coke and see what happens!!

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11y ago

Yes the citric acid in the coke works as a rust remover. just soak the object in the coca cola and clean and scrub it after 24 hours it will most likely be sticky after soaking.

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12y ago

Myth Busters tested it, and found it to be plausible.

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cause it is a toilet cleaner

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Q: Will Coca Cola remove rust from tools?
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How long does it take for Coca-Cola to remove rust from a nail?

It may take a few hours to overnight for Coca-Cola to remove rust from a nail. The acid in the soda can help break down the rust, but the effectiveness may vary depending on the amount of rust and time left to soak.

How do you clean rust from a marble hearth?

coca cola (soda) is the best to remove anything from rust to grese grass stain excet.

Can Coca-Cola rust a paperclip?

no because of the carbon dioxide, it is impossible to rust

I am doing a science project and I have to soak a rusty nail in coca cola to see if it removes rust - will it and why does it?

Coca Cola is full of acid.

Which soda will remove rust the fastest?

Coca-Cola is often recommended for removing rust due to its acidic nature. The carbonation and acidic properties of Coca-Cola help to break down the rust, making it easier to remove. Remember, while it can be effective, it may not work as quickly or efficiently as dedicated rust removal products.

What causes coca cola to make a nail rust?

Coca cola contains carbonic acid, phosphoric acid, and sugar, all of which can accelerate the rusting process of a nail due to their corrosive properties. The acidity in the drink reacts with the iron in the nail, causing it to corrode and rust at a faster rate when submerged in Coca Cola.

What is the best iron rust paste or cleaner?

Coca Cola. Try this site: *

Why does a penny rust faster in coca cola?

Sugar reaches the copper and they form a physical change

Which household cleaning tasks can be done with Coca-Cola?

Coca Cola is a sticky substance when it dries, so it is not an ideal product to use for most cleaning jobs. The best to try are: cleaning the toilet, removing rust, degreasing an engine, and if you want clean pennies, you can soak them in coca cola.

What is the best way to clean rust off of a shiny blued pistol barrel?

Try soaking it in coca-cola!

How do you remove rust on car battery?

Mix baking soda with water to create a paste, then use a toothbrush to scrub the rust off the car battery terminals. You can also use a wire brush or sandpaper to remove stubborn rust. After cleaning, apply a small amount of petroleum jelly to the terminals to prevent future rusting.

Is the nail will be rusted if placed in soft drinks?

It's said that Coca Cola can take the rust off of a rusty nail.