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leaven is a (type) of sin, therefore we use wine and unleavened bread in the Lords Supper, to picture the sinless blood and body of Christ

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Q: Why use unleavened wine at the Lord's Supper?
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Why do catholics use wafers?

At Jesus' Last Supper, it was the PASSOVER and he ate unleavened bread (no yeast, no rise) as was the Jewish custom. The wafer is unleavened bread.

Why do they use wheat as a symbol for Eucharist?

the use of the bread and wine as the Eucharist is because when Jesus instituted the sacrament at the Last Supper, He used the bread and wine as it was a Passover meal or Seder that Christ and his disciples celebrated. Jesus also referred Himself as the Bread of life in the sixth chapter in the Gospel of John. both unleavened bread and wine are common elements of the Passover Seder. whenever bread and wine are shown together in Christian art, it is the portrayal of the Eucharist. Also from the Catholic point of view, the Eucharist is not symbolic, at all. the Eucharist is the truly actual Body and Blood of Christ; it does not symbolize Him or represent Him; the Eucharist is Him.

What was used to make the last supper?

Unleavened bread and wine. St. Paul says of the supper in the book of First Corinthians "one person goes hungry and another gets drunk." Though he says this in rebuke, the passage does indicate the presence of wine at the meal. Earlier in that same book he says that leavened bread is a symbol of evil, so it goes that soft breads made with yeast should certainly not be used in these meals. The reason many Christians use grape juice is because they have moved the supper to breakfast time and therefore the use of wine seems a bit out of place for that early in the day. Too, before modern refrigeration, something as sweet as grape juice would not have been practical or feasible for routine use due to fast spoilage. Wine was and is more stable and useful as a beverage for responsible individuals. The most important part of any supper however are the folks with whom one eats.

What kind of bread was to be eaten by the Israelit es at the last supper?

The Israelis do not celebrate the last supper. The Jews celebrate Passover. At Passover, they set an extra place at the table for an unexpected guest. It will have a glass of wine. There will be a piece of unleavened bread or Matzoh. It is hard as a rock. At least it is thin. If you have a Jewish friend or know a Jewish family, you will be welcome if you drop in for the Passover meal. You may use the empty chair and join the Passover meal. It might be the only time of the year you are welcome to drop in unannounced and eat.

What does the priest use during the consecration?

He uses bread and wine which he changes into the body and blood of Jesus Christ in remembrance of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, who at the Last Supper fulfilled the day of Unleavened Bread on which the Passover lamb had to be sacrificed in the Old Law. the priest uses a chalice and ciborium. he also uses the paten. a tabernacle also is used.

On Maundy Thursday do they use leavened or unleavened bread?

Unleavened bread

How do you use the word unleavened in a sentence?

His stomach felt heavy as if the argument lay there like unleavened bread

What is the Catholic use od unleavened bread in communion rooted?

the Jewish custom of serving only unleavened bread during Passover season

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What type of wine is used at during Communion?

Sacramental wine, Communion wine or altar wine is wine obtained from grapes and intended for use in celebration of the Eucharist (referred to also as the Lord's Supper or Holy Communion). The Eucharist is generally associated in some way with the Paschal Seder, and the Berakah, during which Kosher wine is drunk.

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Well Jesus turned water into wine for a party and at the last supper offered a cup of wine to his disciples. Thus Christianity has no problem with the moderate, social use of alcohol. This said, there are some Christian sects that have come to regard use of alcohol as evil (on the basis of what it can do if abused) and encourage their members to be "tea total".

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