Simply, fermentation happens.
Milk contains bacteria. When the milk is not refrigerated, the bacteria are very happy and their populations grow. The metabolism of the bacteria lowers the pH of the milk, thus souring it. This will eventually happen to fresh milk that is refrigerated, too. The cold only slows the growth and does not stop it.
Milk contains bacteria. Bacteria reproduces. When bacteria reproduces it lowers the pH of milk. When the pH of milk is lowered, Milk tastes sour. Bacteria reproduces faster at room temperature than it does at cold temperatures. So. Your milk will last longer in a refrigerator.
This is a chemical change.
Milk souring is a chemical property, as it involves a chemical change in the milk caused by the action of bacteria that convert lactose into lactic acid. This change alters the taste and texture of the milk.
The word 'sour' is a verb (sour, sours, souring, soured), an adjective (sour, more sour, most sour), and a noun (sour, sours). Example uses: Verb: Your milk will sour more readily if you keep it in the door of the refrigerator. Adjective: The sour cherries make excellent muffins. Noun: I'll have a whiskey sour please.
No, milk souring is an example of a chemical change. When milk sours, bacteria ferment the lactose in the milk, producing lactic acid, which changes the composition and properties of the milk. This is a chemical reaction, not a physical change.
When milk sours, the bacteria present in the milk ferment lactose (milk sugar) into lactic acid. This causes the proteins in the milk, primarily casein, to coagulate and form curd, which is the solid component of sour milk.
No it is a chemical change because you change it back to normal.
The animal, I assume you are thanking about, has been a sours of milk for the people living in North West china. There mead can also be rich sours of nutrias. And lets not forget they can be as soft as a teddy bear.
yes because it is a different substance than before :)
No, the hot milk should NOT spoiled if you keep in refrigerator.
Breast milk separates in the refrigerator due to the natural fat content in the milk. Factors that contribute to this process include the temperature of the refrigerator, the fat content of the milk, and how long the milk has been stored.
The population of Sours is 1,774.