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Micropropagation is a technique, which is used to propagate plants that are

(1) Threatened/endangered

(2) Difficult to propagate conventional methods

(3) Poor seed availability (poor sexual reproduction)

The reason behind the use of the technique varied depends upon user/plant.

The technique is not a expensive one when it used properly.

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Is micro propagation is method of tissue culture?

Yes, micropropagation is a method of tissue culture where small pieces of plant tissue are cultured in a nutrient medium to produce multiple identical plants. This technique is commonly used for rapid propagation of plants.

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What types of propagation are there?

There are three primary types of propagation: sexual propagation, asexual propagation, and micropropagation. Sexual propagation involves the use of seeds or spores to create new plants, while asexual propagation uses plant parts like cuttings, grafting, or division to create new plants. Micropropagation involves growing plants from small plant parts in a laboratory setting.

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Lii Jang Liu has written: 'Tropical plant cell and tissue culture' -- subject(s): Plant biotechnology, Plant cell culture, Plant micropropagation, Plant tissue culture

What are the uses of micropropagation in biotechnology?

Micropropagation is used in biotechnology for mass production of disease-free plants, rapid propagation of rare or endangered species, and production of genetically modified plants. It allows for the efficient multiplication of plants under controlled conditions, resulting in a higher success rate compared to traditional propagation methods.

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Plant hormones like auxins and cytokinins are commonly used in micropropagation to stimulate cell division, elongation, and differentiation. Auxins help in root formation, while cytokinins promote shoot regeneration and multiplication of shoots in tissue culture. By carefully manipulating the levels and ratios of these hormones in the culture medium, it is possible to efficiently propagate plants on a large scale.

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