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Wine does not actually make you more "drunk" than another drink - it is just usually most don't realize how much alcohol is in the average drink of "wine." Most wines have an alcohol content of 9-14% alcohol by volume. Compare that to only 5% for beer. It's 2 to 3 times as much alcohol, so the same volume of liquid would make you 2-3 times "more drunk."

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Wine gives you a different euphoric feeling becaue the alcohol produced is done so more naturally that that of distillation, that and the fact that the fruit used in wines also contains tannins that comingle with the alcohol produced from the fermentation action of the fruit (grapes, apples, Pears, or whatever the winemaker may use.

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With 7% to 9% wine, it would only take a couple of 8 ounce glasses for a 100 pound person to be classified as drunk for a DWI.

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It is never wise to become intoxicated.

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Any wine can be drunk at lunch.

Can you get drunk of lambrini?

Yes, you can. If your a lightweight you will most likely be drunk after 2-4 big wine glasses full. More glasses if you are not a lightweight.

Can sims get drunk on sims 2?

No they can't they dont have wine they have water and juice unless you have an expansion pack where they can drink wine in it then my thoughts exactly would be make them drink lots of the wine and that might be them drunk you cant really tell unless they go crazy!

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Depending on the amount and how often they are drunk, both of them can be extremely bad.

Why is wine so important?

To get you DRUNK!!!!!!!!!!!

Where in the world is wine drunk?


Can Regina sherry cooking wine get you drunk?

Yes. If you can somehopw get rid of the salt. They put salt in it to make sure ppl and kids arent drinking it to get drunk.