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Food does spoil in the refrigerator. The growth of spoilage bacteria is slowed down due to the colder temperatures.

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because germs and insects cant live on refrigerator

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Q: Why does food not spoil in the refrigerator?
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Will food spoil in refrigerator at 50 degrees?

Foods can spoil at 40°F in the refrigerator, so the answer is, 'Yes.' How long it will take or the type of spoilage depends upon the food itself.

What is the use of fridge?

Primarily to try to keep food fresh and not spoil. To make food not spoil so quickly is the true use of a refrigerator.

Does food in a small refrigerator spoil faster than a large refrigerator?

If they are both set at and holding the same temperature - No.

How long can you keep uncooked squid in the refrigerator?

This food will spoil fast. In a matter of a day or two this food can spoil. This food should be eaten soon after getting it. It can be frozen for use later.

What are the negative and positive effects of the refrigerator?

If u leave food in there too long it may spoil

Does a banana spoil faster on a counter or refrigerator?

the refrigerator

What is the purpose of refregrator?

It keeps food cold. It keeps food lasting longer. Without the refrigerator food will spoil in days instead of weeks. Or else ice cream will also melt and milk will spoil faster.

What is the purpose of the refridgerator?

The refrigerator was invented so that food does not spoil and people don't' get deceases like icoli

How long can a taco truck burrito stay good for without a refrigerator?

Probably an hour or two! Or the food will spoil!

Do tomatoes spoil faster at room temperature or in a refrigerator?

they spoil faster at room temperature

Why are vegetables stored in the refrigerator?

vegetables are stored in the refrigerator so they can stay fresh and not spoil

Does milk spoil faster in or out of the refrigerator?

Of course, milk can only spoil OUT of the fridge, or when the milk has expired