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Sodium chloride has a very strong ionic bond between sodium and chlorine. This bond is hard to break apart and force a state change, so it takes a lot of heat to bring it about. This means that the boiling point at which salt becomes a gas is very high.

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Q: Why does common table salt NaCl have a high melting point?
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Is NaCl the substance with the lowest melting point is?

NaCl, common table salt, has a rather high melting point. The substance with the lowest melting point is helium. Helium has no solid phase, it melts at any temperature above absolute zero.

Why is the melting point of table salt a physical property?

During melting the chemical composition of NaCl is not changed.

What has the highest melting point NaF NaCl NaBr NaI?

NaCl has the highest melting point (between NaCl and H2O)

Does NaCl have high melting point?

No , table salt (sodium chloride) has a melting point of 801°C

What is sodium chloride boiling and melting point?

Melting point of NaCl: 801 0C Boiling point of NaCl: 1 413 0C.

Why doesn't table salt melt easy?

Table salt (NaCl) is an ionic solid. Ionic solids are held by electrostatic forces of attraction. These forces are very strong and account for the high melting point of NaCl.

Can you observe the melting point of NaCl?

The melting point of sodium chloride is 801 0C.

Density and melting point of NaCl?

The sodium chloride density is 2,165 g/cm3 and the melting point is 801 0C.

Melting point of NaCl lower by the addition of calcium chloride?

Adding calcium chloride lowers the melting point of NaCl because it forms a eutectic mixture, where the two salts combine to create a lower melting point than either salt individually. This is due to the disruption of the crystal lattice structure of NaCl by the presence of calcium chloride.

Melting point of NaCl decrease by CaCl2?

The melting point of NaCl is 801 0C. The melting point of CaCl2 (anhydrous) is 772 0C.

What is the boiling and melting point of sodium chloride?

The melting point of sodium chloride is 801 0C. The boiling point of sodium chloride is 1 413 0C.

Why KCl or KF is added in the electrolysis of molten NaCl?

To decrease melting point of NaCl