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She wanted cold hard money

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She wanted cold hard cash

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Can you put Pyrex in the freezer for storage?

Yes, you can put Pyrex in the freezer for storage.

How do you freeze pumpkin?

put it in the freezer

Do you put an ice pack in the freezer or the fridge?


Can you put stuff in the freezer right after cooking?

No we should not put the stuff in the freezer as soon as we cook because it can change the temperature of the freezer.

Can you put Tupperware in the freezer for storing food?

Yes, you can put Tupperware in the freezer to store food.

Can freezer be used for refrigerator?

No, let me give you an example, if you put milk or any liquids in the freezer they will freeze. there are certain foods that cannot be put in the freezer

How do you make you're own slushy?

you put any drink in the freezer in the freezer and then u put it in the blender

Do you have to cool meat before putting in the freezer?

No, just put it in the freezer

Can grass be put in the freezer?


Is it true if you put skateboard wheels in the freezer and the wheels stay hard?

Yes, they are faster when they are put in the freezer.

How do you tell if your freezer is broken?

To tell if your freezer is broken you put an ice cube in a small container and put a penny on top of the ice cube. then you put it in the freezer. After a couple days you check it. If the ice has melted and the penny is no longer on top of the ice cube then you should probably check your food in your freezer and get your freezer fixed.

Raw food must be thawed in the freezer?

No. If put in a freezer it will stay frozen.