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My chickens, as well, don't lay eggs like they used to -- chances are, they are old, or possibly, your chickens are sick. However, the more likely probability is their age. Most chickens stop laying eggs after a few years; or they will lay very few.

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13y ago
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12y ago

production sometimes tends to slow down but it will pick up agian soon. our hens have a heater but production is still low.

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Q: Why are your hens not laying in cold weather?
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Is the cold weather a factor in my hens not laying?

Yes, cold weather can reduce egg production in hens. As temperatures drop, hens may decrease their egg-laying or even stop altogether to conserve energy for thermoregulation. Providing supplemental light and ensuring the coop is well-insulated can help mitigate the impact of cold weather on egg production.

Why do hens slow down on laying eggs when the weather gets colder?

Probalay because when they get cold it must be harder on them...

Why have your hens quit laying eggs?

Maybe its too old to lay eggs now or its too cold to lay eggs

Do you have to have a roaster to have laying hens?

No you dont

My chickens quit laying eggs several weeks ago what do you do to make them lay again?

Make sure they have a well-balanced diet with sufficient protein and calcium. Ensure they have access to clean water and a comfortable, stress-free environment. Providing natural light, around 14 hours a day, can also help stimulate egg production.

Do ALL hens make a noise when they lay an egg?

No, not all hens cackle while laying.

Do you a have a rooster to have laying hens?

no. they will lay without a rooster

What are egg laying chickens called?

Layers or Hens.

How many laying hens are there in the UK?

29 million

Will 2 Roosters with 4 Laying Hens slow egg production?

They shouldn't effect the process of laying eggs. It's always up to the hens attitude for that day.

How can you tell which of your hens are laying?

The hen who is laying will have an inflamed comb. When they stop laying or aren't laying yet, their combs become a pinkish-pale color.

Why does rooster kill your egg laying hens?

because its a chubnub.