My chickens, as well, don't lay eggs like they used to -- chances are, they are old, or possibly, your chickens are sick. However, the more likely probability is their age. Most chickens stop laying eggs after a few years; or they will lay very few.
Yes, cold weather can reduce egg production in hens. As temperatures drop, hens may decrease their egg-laying or even stop altogether to conserve energy for thermoregulation. Providing supplemental light and ensuring the coop is well-insulated can help mitigate the impact of cold weather on egg production.
Probalay because when they get cold it must be harder on them...
Maybe its too old to lay eggs now or its too cold to lay eggs
No you dont
No, not all hens cackle while laying.
no. they will lay without a rooster
Layers or Hens.
29 million
They shouldn't effect the process of laying eggs. It's always up to the hens attitude for that day.
The hen who is laying will have an inflamed comb. When they stop laying or aren't laying yet, their combs become a pinkish-pale color.
because its a chubnub.
All chickens lay according to the amount of available light. Winter months offer less daylight than any time of year and unless artificial light is provided then yes, the hens will slow or cease egg production for the winter. Cold weather does not effect egg production if proper lighting is available.