'Cracker Jack' has been around since 1893 .
Cracker Jack was created in 1893.
A German immigrant named Frederick William Rueckheim .
If you try to research this on the internet you will most likely assume the state is Utah; however, the answer is actually Indiana. I just did a project on this and had concluded Utah to be the answer until my professior informed me that is is infact Indiana.
Pop corn and peanuts.
Frederick William Rueckheim invented Cracker Jack
Cracker Jacks, an American snack food company selling candy-coated popcorn and peanuts first started including prizes within the packets in 1912. The first Cracker Jack baseball cards were issued in 1914 and prizes have continued to be popular in Cracker Jacks ever since.
Cracker Jack
in 1920 by Slim Shady
no, they are caramel coated popcorn and peanuts