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Q: Which word describes krill in a food web?
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Are krill the dominant herbivores in the Antarctic food web?

Krill are a key component of the Antarctic food web, serving as a primary food source for many species including whales, seals, and penguins. While they play a crucial role, they are not the dominant herbivores in the Antarctic ecosystem, as there are other herbivorous organisms like algae and small fish that also contribute to the food web.

Which organism is the carnivore in this food web a krill b marine phytoplankton c adélie penguin d zooplankton?

which organism is the carnivore in this food web ? a. Krill, B. marine Phytoplankton, c. adelie penguin , d. zooplankton?

What does the antarctica food web is relatively simple means?

The food web around the Antarctic continent -- no food grows on the continent: it's too cold -- exists in the Southern Ocean. This is a short food chain based in krill.

Do whales eat kelp in a food web?

no they dont. Whales typically eat krill, tons and tons of krill! Unless its an orca or the like in which case they eat seals n such :)

Which word describes the food web in a diverse ecosystem?

Complexity. A diverse ecosystem has multiple interconnected species forming a complex food web where energy and nutrients flow through different trophic levels.

Is a krill a primary secondary or tertiary consumer?

Answer is primary consumer. (depending on the type of web you are constructing) krill is a primary consumer or secondary because the primarys include phytoplanktons, zooplankton algae etc and since kill eat phyto and zoo plankton it would be a primary consumer or in a food web it would be in the second bottom row making it secondary in the food piramid or web. eg. bottom row: phytoplankton and zooplankton second bottom row: krill, prawns, and fish then the next up are the tertiary and quaternary row, which are the higher levels in the food web.

What best describes the role of a zooplankton in a food web?


What effect would a drop in the size of the of the krill population have on the Antarctic food web and why?

Euphasia superba, Antarctic krill, are the base of the food chain in the Southern Ocean that surrounds Antarctica.Any decline in their population would mean that the remainder of the food chain would be forced into warmer water to find food.

Which statement best describes why an island food web could be considered a closed system?

New energy enters the food web, and matter is created as it moves through the web

How many producer's are in the food web?

That ultimately depends on how big the food web is (how many chains were linked together to create the web). There must always be more than one, though, to keep a food web (and the ecosystem(s) it describes) alive.

What is the role of krill in the Antarctic food web?

Krill are very small crustaceans of the sea that eat even smaller creatures, called phytoplankton. Krill are called a keystone species because they provide food for a large number of larger animals. If the krill were to disappear, so would all the creatures that eat them. The animals that eat krill are baleen whales, manta rays, whale sharks, many species of seals, fish, and seabirds.