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a chemist

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Q: Which type of scientist would determine the different kinds of fat found in milk chocolate?
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Which type of scientist would determine the different kinds of fat found in milk?

a chemist

Which type of scientists would determine the different kind of fat found in milk chocolate?

a chemist

What is the patent of the chocolate cookie?

I checked on this and found out you can not patent a set of ingredients, but you can the directions. The big problem with this infringement of your cookie directions and how to determine it has happened. I also found a chocolate cookie dough patent.

Why do scientist have different views?

to explain to the people what they found out and that person only.

Should you eat chocolate when you are sad?

DUH..... In England scientist found that with one spoonful of chocolate ice cream the front of the brain starts to react. The front of the brain is called the "processing" and it reacts when you get happy! So if your sad chocolate ice cream will help

What type of science determined that fat is found in chocolate milk?

Chemical analysis determined that fat is found in chocolate milk. By isolating and identifying the different components of chocolate milk, scientists were able to detect the presence of fats through methods such as chromatography or spectroscopy.

A simulant found in chocolate?

Caffeine is one stimulant that is found in chocolate. Other stimulants in chocolate are sugar, phenylethylamine, anandamide, and theobromine. Stimulants are found in all chocolates including white chocolate, dark chocolate, and milk chocolate.

Where can one find brown chocolate?

Brown chocolate can be found in recipes. Brown chocolate can be found in the movie Willy Wonka. Brown chocolate can be found in candy stores. Brown chocolate can be found in commercials for the Three Musketeers or M&Ms.

How would a scientist determine the age of a fossilized dinosaur egg?

That can be deduced from the geological layer in which it is found; or (probably more accurate), radiometric dating can be used.

How was planet mars named?

When attempting to categegorise the planet, the scientist, igor Svensik, found it very hard, so he took a break. In his break he had a coffee, and a chocolate bar. A MARS BAR

Where is chocolate found?

In Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory

What are the foods found in the rainforest?

breadfruit, nuts,bananas,chocolate and guava mango.