5 pints is more, as 78 fl oz. is about 4.875 pints.
78 quarts equals 156 pints. This is because there are 2 pints in a quart.
78 US gallons is about 295.262 liters.
78 liters equates to 17.2 Imperial gallons.
1 quart = 2 pints 78X2=156
156 cups
39 pints x 2 cups/pint = 78 cups
.78 gallons.
That is 156 cups
There are 312 quarts in 78 gallons. To convert gallons to quarts, you multiply by 4 since there are 4 quarts in 1 gallon.
I can get about 78 gallons per mile in my pink convertable xE