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Q: Which has more acid coca-cola or vinegar?
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What has more acid vinegar or baking soda?


What is more acidic vinegar or citric acid?

Citric acid is more acidic than vinegar. The pH level of citric acid is around 2.2-3.5, while the pH level of vinegar is around 2.4-3.4. Therefore, citric acid has a slightly lower pH level, making it more acidic.

How do you duplicate a bbq sauce?

Ketchup and CocaCola. You can add vinegar and brown sugar also

Is vinegar more acidic than sulphuric acid?

No, sulfuric acid is more acidic than vinegar. Sulfuric acid is a strong mineral acid with a lower pH value compared to vinegar, which is a weaker organic acid.

Can vinegar substitute hydrochloric acid?

No, vinegar (acetic acid) cannot substitute for hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric acid is much stronger and more corrosive than vinegar, and they have different chemical properties and uses.

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What has more acid a lemon a grapefruit vinegar or grape juice?

lemon has more acid.

Why Is vinegar a acid?

Vinegar is dilute acetic acid, which is an acid, not a base.

What does vinegar have that lemon juice doesn't have?

It has a different type of acid. Vinegar has acetic acid, and lemon juice, which is slightly more acidic, has citric acid.

What is stronger vinegar or baking powder?

baking soda is a base while vinegar is an acid

Is a vinegar a acid or a base?

Vinegar is dilute acetic acid, which is an acid.

Which is more effective for descaling: citric acid or vinegar?

Both citric acid and vinegar are effective for descaling, but citric acid is generally considered more effective due to its stronger acidic properties.