It's the name of an American company operating network superstructures
Verisign's population is 1,040.
Verisign was created in 1995.
The ticker symbol for VeriSign is VRSN and it is traded on the Nasdaq.
verisign Inc, owns root nameserver for the .com, .net, and .name generic top-level domains and the .cc and .tv country-code top-level domains.
The Pepsi CO owns the company IZZE.
Well the company who owns fantage is Fantage inc.
The name of the company that owns Kleenex is Kimberley-Clark.
One may quickly and easily purchase a Verisign SSL certificate online at verisign dot com. They offer very cheap and quick service, and allow a user to get their Verisign SSL certificate in a matter of a few days.
Which Company owns Persil
Nestle company owns Alpo dog food company.
clear wireless owns 49 percent of the company and Sprint owns 51 percent of the company