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Malt liquor is liquor made from malted (partially germinated to release the sugars) grains.
Elephant Malt Liquor is made by Anheuser-Busch
Magnum Malt Liquor is owned by the Miller Brewing Company
The Esperanto words for malt liquor and wine cooler are malto likvoro and vino malvarmaj.
It was a clear malt liquor drink
St. Pauli Girl is a strong malt liquor. It is brewed by St. Pauli Brauerei in Bremen, Germany.
Malt beverages include ale, beer, malt liquor, nonalcoholic beer, porter, and stout
Answer: Lager Did you know:Malt, sprouted grain in which some of the starches have changed to sugar, is used to make malt liquor, beer and whiskey.
Zima (malt liquor)
Yes, alcohol is a depressant.
St. Ides Malt Liquor