Microorganisms live everywhere. There is not one place on earth that does not have bacteria or some other one-celled organism living there. There have even been meteors and evidence from Mars with evidence that bacteria once lived in the rocks.
human bodies
through the air
Microorganisms can enter the mouth through activities like eating, drinking, breathing, kissing, or sharing utensils. Some microorganisms are also present in the environment and can be transmitted by hand-to-mouth contact. Regular oral hygiene practices like brushing and flossing help reduce the presence of harmful microorganisms in the mouth.
Eijkman did this because (at the time of looking for microorganisms) other scientists had recently shown that microorganisms caused a number of diseases and he thought that he had a chance to find beriberi was truly caused by a microogansm. :)
beach....seaweed.. beach....seaweed..
You can find yeat, mold, staphlococcus aureus, coliforms and salmonella in chocolate.
The study of Microorganisms is called microbiology.
Salt kill microorganisms.
10 harms of microorganisms
The disadvantage of microorganisms is that many of them cause disease.
The disadvantage of microorganisms is that many of them cause disease.
No. An uncooked or undercooked burger contains microorganisms, but the burger itself is made from cattle, which are definitely not microorganisms.