The ice crystals generally mean that the frozen food has dried out some and could be related to freezer burn. As long as it hasn't become rancid or developed freezer-burn flavor, the food could still be edible.
Absolutely. In fact frozen watermelon is a tasty treat!
Yes, pineapples are still good after being frozen, if used within a couple days of thawing it.
It should be OK for up to one year, perhaps longer.
It is still necessary to mark frozen food with the dates. Freezing extends the shelf life, but there will still be some deterioration of the food in the freezer, so FIFO rules still apply.
Generally you can, yes, although it depends heavily on what you consider to be partly frozen. Even if it is partly frozen, if you dont know how long it has been at room temperature, you may still be taking a chance with your health, as bacteria can multiply very quickly. If you are not sure if its still frozen, its best to be safe than sorry. Read this:-"If food is partly frozen, meaning if it still has ice crystals, or is still as cold as if it were in a refrigerator (40 °F), it is safe to refreeze or use. It's not necessary to cook raw foods before refreezing. Discard foods that have been warmer than 40 °F (4 Degrees Celcius) for more than 2 hours. Discard any foods that have been contaminated by raw meat juices. Dispose of soft or melted ice cream for quality's sake."
I think I would find it hard to actually drink milk that is frozen. But I have consumed milk that was frozen, then thawed in the refrigerator. It was fine.
Burnt eggs, like other foods that are burnt, are still edible albiet a bit smoky in taste.
I would not say it is not necessary, because it is - just not required by United States law. You still need it for FIFO rotation. Frozen foods do deteriorate, but not at the rate of their refrigerated kin.
Technically, frozen food can be stored indefinitely and still be edible. Nutritional value and flavor eventual decay and this process is accelerated with a self-defrosting freezer because the food is not stored at a constant temperature. Frozen omelets should remain flavorful and edible (relatively speaking) for 8 to 12 weeks in the freezer, if wrapped to be airtight to prevent freezer burn or ice crystallization build up. Beyond that the quality will start to suffer.
I'm not that those salad greens are still edible.
Vacuum-sealed meats can last for up to a year, but the flavor gradually fades after the six-month mark. While the meat will still be edible a year or more later, it won't taste all that great.
Of course they are they may not be as nice but they are still edible. But if there is a lot then chuck em` out.