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Q: When Grapes is to wine equals squid to?
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Related questions

Is blush wine made from white grapes?

Not only white grapes. Remember, you can make white wine from red grapes, but not red wine from white grapes.

What fruit is essential to the wine industry?

Grapes. Wine is made from grapes.

Can you make white wine out of red grapes?

You can make white wine out of red grapes but you can't make red wine out of white grapes

Where does wine come from?

wine comes from grapes

Did the Romans sqaush grapes to make wine?

Yes, the Romans pressed grapes to make wine.

Why is wine often red?

Wine is often red because it is often made from red grapes, and the coloring of the grapes appears in the wine.

Why red wine is red?

Not all wine is red. There are also types of white wine and rose wine. But, red wine is red because of the reddish color of the grapes it is made out of.

Are wine grapes only grown in California?

No, wine grapes can be grown in many places and countries. Almost all of the 48 states grow grapes for wine, Illinois before prohibition was a major wine producing state.

What does California use their grapes for?

Raisins, wine, and table grapes

What did Egypt use grapes for?

The main for grapes was in making wine

What grapes are used in rose wine?

A basic answer from my home brew days is: Black grapes produce a deep red wine, the colour coming from the skins of the grapes. A second fermentation on the grapes that had produced the original red wine, will produce a lighter coloured wine classed as rosé.

From where does the wine come from?
