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Q: What year are Mrs Butterworths glass bottles made?
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magnify glass
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What year did they stop making Mrs Butterworth glass bottles?

they did not stop its still going

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What year did they make DuPont Zerex anti-freeze in glass bottles?

Zerex was developed by Ashland chemicals. The mixture came out in 1991 and was never sold in glass containers.

Which year were water bottles made?

Water containers are as old as Man.

What year was the magnifying glass made?


How do you find the year a bottle of lafite rothschild reserve cognac was made?

Most bottles have a date on the label.

What year were plastic water bottles invented?

The first plastic water bottles were made commercially in 1947. They also were really expensive until 1960 when high-density polyethylene was made.

What is the perfect gift for a 42 year old woman?

flowers or things that are made out of glass,(like mabey a model made of glass) worked on my mom she's 45

How many bottles get thrown away each year?

Waste production statistics differ by which source is used.According to the Clean Air Council for United States citizens:2.5 million plastic bottles are trashed every hour in the United Statesthe number of glass bottles trashed every two weeks would have filled both World Trade Center towers

Which is a better conductor glass or plastic?

Glass is a better conductor than plastic. Glass is a non-conductor of electricity, while plastic can be a poor conductor or an insulator, depending on its composition. This makes glass a more suitable material for applications where conductivity is a concern.

How many bottles of vitamin water are sold annualy?

about 27.4 billion bottles a year on average

How many bottles of champagne are produced each year?

around 7 million bottles are produed world wide every year