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You will die from a blood clot or gain 400 pounds then die from a heart attack trust me i know a kid who will die very soon because of this choice he is already 350

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Q: What will happen if you eat mcdonalds for a month straight?
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What movie did Gretchen Wilson see that caused her to announce a commitment to eating at McDonalds at every stop along her world tour?

possibly "super-size me"...its a documentary about a man who chooses to eat Mcdonalds food 3 meals a day everyday for 1 month to see what it does for his health... Can anyone possibly think of a dumber premise for a movie? "I'm going to pig out on the biggest, fattiest things McDonalds sells and eat nothing else for a whole month just to show you how bad it is for you." Come on. Everyone with any common sense knows you can't live on grease. Ray Kroc wouldn't eat McDonalds three meals a day for a month, and he founded the company. You can eat McDonalds occasionally and it won't hurt you. You can even eat McDonalds for lunch every day and be fine--so long as you eat other things to give yourself a balanced diet.

How do you get big buts?

eat at mcdonalds.

What does the supersize you guy eat?


What do the gosselins eat from McDonald's?

The Gosselins dont eat Mcdonalds

What is there to eat for a family of 5 to eat with ten dollars?

Snackwraps at mcdonalds

What can you do to get a jiggly butt?

eat alot of McDonalds

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What fast food do celebrities eat?


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What would happen if you didn't eat or drink for a month?

You would obviously die or you could get weak and sick.

Can crips eat at mcdonalds?

no aparently not thay only eat at burger king