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First of all, drinking the whole bottle of Nyquil is a stupid idea, and second of all, I doubt you can have alcohol with that kind of stuff, it is as stupid and wreckless as drinking Nyquil and Red Bull in the same sitting. If you do survive, you will be very sleepy, but is a stupid and dangerous idea.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Combining the two simply increases alcohol intake.

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Q: What will happen if you drink a whole bottle of NyQuil and a bottle of wine?
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Bad idea. Theres 500mg of acetaminophen in each tablespoon, which is equal is exactly one extra strength Tylenol. The recommended adult dosage of Nyquil is 2 tablespoons.Drinking an entire bottle of Nyquil would mean ingesting a lethal dose of acetaminophen.Acetaminophen overdose is reportedly one of the slowest, most agonizing ways to die.

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