No, chardonnay is a type of white wine, not red wine.
If you're not looking for sweet red wine, what type of wine are you interested in?
The best type of shipping boxes for transporting fragile bottles of wine would be the type of boxes that have sectioned off cubbies. This type of box has four snug corrugated walls around each wine bottle so they don't bash into each-other during transit.
Ice wine is just any type of wine that has been chilled or frozen.
A wine glass is can be called a wine glass, or a goblet, each type of wine glass has a different name that goes along with the type of wine.
Yes, sherry is a type of fortified wine that originates from Spain.
Champagne is a type of wine.
No, white wine vinegar and white cooking wine are not the same. White wine vinegar is a type of vinegar made from white wine, while white cooking wine is a type of wine specifically made for cooking and not for drinking.
red wine
Saki is considered a type of liquor, specifically a Japanese rice wine.
Wine bottles have labels for a variety of reasons. They tell consumers what type of wine it is (red or white), the name of the wine, where and when the wine was bottled.