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If you wet raspberries then put them in a plastic bag in a dark area such as a cabinet or pantry mold will start to grow within the first 48 hours

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13y ago
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12y ago

Tomato's will start to grow mold after 3 days. Cheese will start to grow mold after 4 days.

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Q: What type of food allow mold to grow the fastest?
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What is the fastest thing to grow?

Mold is the fastest thing to grow.

Does mold grow fastest in the light?


When do strawberries grow mold the fastest?

Strawberries usually grow mold the fastest on the leaves, but it also grows on the older spots of the strawberry. (Or the rotted part.)

What food will mold fastest?


What type of food allow mold to grow faster really good question?

decayed wastes

How do you makes bread mold grow the fastest?

put water on it

Does mold grow faster on bread or banana?

I think bread molds the fastest because I had bread in my house and it got moldy within a couple weeks. If not then I think vegetables, specifically tomatoes, mold a close second.

Which food group attracts mold the fastest?


What food can get mold?

Foods in the dairy and grain food groups can grow mold.

Why does strawberries grow mold the fastest?

Because they are nice fat and juicy

What food does mold grow on best?

This depends on the mold. eg: Bread molds grow on bread.

What is outdoor mold?

When mold is in the outdoor, when they grow in the outdoor, it is called outdoor mold. Actually where there is food molds grow there.