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Q: What to do with piece of meat lodged in throat?
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A piece of cucumber is lodged in your throat causing breathing problems?

Get medical attention right away.

My dog swallowed a piece of meat without chewing it what do I do Hes puked twice and his stomach is moving in and out like how your chest does when you breath but faster What do I do?

Just to be on the safe side...take him to the vet it might be lodged in his throat or stomach. He having hard time breathing...

What is a technique for removing food lodged in the throat?

Mechanical obstruction of the airways, which commonly occurs when food gets lodged in the throat, can be treated by applying the Heimlich maneuver.

If you get a nut stuck at the back of your throat are you allergic?

No, but you should see a doctor. Any piece of food that is lodged in an area of your body is not natural and should be taken care of ASAP.

What Was The Cause Of Brunels Death?

he got a coin lodged in his throat i think.

I ate a big piece of ham and my throat hurt then I ate another piece that was the same size and nothing happened What causes this?

When properly chewed, food should not hurt when swallowed. It is possible that it became lodged on the epiglottis, or hit an irritated part of the throat. You should have your doctor check for acid reflux or other problems if you have pain when swallowing.

How does obesity effect the digestive system?

A Burger might get lodged in their throat causing them to suffercate and die. A common fatality in fat people 1/100 people die from getting pizza, burgers or kebab lodged in their throat causing them to die.

If a person can make a sound but has food lodged in throat you should perform the Heimlich maneuver.?


What happens when you choke?

something gets lodged in your throat and cuts off your air ways so you cant breath.

Are sweet gum balls harmful to dogs?

yes! any dog could easily choke on them or it could get lodged in their throat

How do you dislodge a piece of artichoke stuck in the throat?

artichoke stuck in throat

When you are eating do you have to drink water or not?

You don't have to. But it is ideal to keep a drink at hand in case your throat becomes dry, in case you have difficulty breaking down food or in case something gets lodged in your throat.