Although 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit) is the temperature at which water freezes, it is not a good freezer storage temperature. Some yeasts can actually grow at 15 degrees F (-9 degrees C). The recommended temperature for freezers is 0 degrees F (-18 degrees C) or below.
Deterioration of fruits and vegetables during storage depends largely on temperature. One way to slow down this change and so increase the length of time fruits and vegetables can be stored, is by lowering the temperature to an appropriate level. It must be remembered that if the temperature is too low the produce will be damaged and also that as soon as the produce leaves the cold store, deterioration starts again and often at a faster rate.
After being defrosted, frozen foods must be cooked before being re-frozen.
Just about every food can be frozen. Freezing foods is one great way to store foods. Fresh vegetables and fruits are not easy to freeze. You must blanch these foods first before freezing.
Just about every food can be frozen. Freezing foods is one great way to store foods. Fresh vegetables and fruits are not easy to freeze. You must blanch these foods first before freezing.
The temperature must be below 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
41 or lower
Less than 40F.
meat must be stored at 41 degrees or frozen. It must be cooked and or consumed and cannot be used after sitting out for 2 hrs, much less 2 days !
Blood is transported cold. It is lowered below body temperature, but not frozen, to slow the breakdown of the components. It is less volatile once it is broken down into its components such as plasma, platelets and red blood cells. It can be stored for only a few weeks and then must be discarded.
So when you cook it, it cooks evenly. More importantly, any microbes that are in frozen parts when you start the cooking sequence might survive and such microbes in frozen poultry are very dangerous to human health.
Because at this temperature almost all viruses are inactive and not harmful .
Food is best thawed in the refrigerator, however, some frozen foods can be safely thawed in a container of running cold water. This will reduce the defrosting time but it is important that the water be cold and running. For this method, the food should be tightly wrapped or frozen in a container so that it is not in direct contact with the water, the water must be constantly circulating around the food so that as the exterior thaws it remains at a safe temperature of 41 degrees or below. Food should never be thawed at room temperature or by using warm or hot water or in a non-running water bath.