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56,000 gallons. Anything bigger and the weight would have a major effect.

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Q: What size bottle for a coke rocket goes the highest?
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How can you measure how high a bottle rocket goes?

if you tape 3 or 4 rulers together

The name of the comedy movie in which a tribal guy goes to throw a bottle out of the world some guy throws a coke bottle or some other bottle from a helicopter in a jungle where?

The Gods Must be Crazy.

How does Newtons third law act on a rocket bottle?

When a rocket bottle is launched, as the rocket pushes the air with force F1 downward, the air pushes back on the rocket with an equal force F2 upward, according to Newton's third law. This reaction force propels the rocket bottle into the air.

Can a reaction of water and carbide bust its bottle?

ya bet you should try mantoes in a diet coke it goes really really hie

What is the best angle for bottle rocket fins?

Oh, dude, the best angle for bottle rocket fins is typically around 45 degrees to provide optimal stability during flight. But hey, feel free to experiment and see what works best for your rocket. Just don't blame me if it goes off course and lands in your neighbor's backyard!

How do you make a diet pepsi bomb without Mentos?

Items needed: Diet Coke (not a can, must be in a bottle. The large bottle is reccomended for this type of bomb) String (at least 3-6 inches, not too strong) A lot of Mentos (the more diet coke, the more mentos) What to do: Take the cap off of a new bottle, and tie the mento pieces to string. 3 mentos would be a good amount for a big bottle (not 100% sure, and more for the bomb). Then take them and put them inside the bottle NOT touching the coke AT ALL (if you have to relax and take a sip it won't bite xD). Then close it, and choose 1 of 2 options: Coke Cannon: Close the diet coke tightly, and either attack someone with it (for fun) or just make a fountain. Shake the bottle some so it is ready then aim it to where you want it to explode (not completely up though). Loosen the cap and BOOM. Coke Bomb: Tape the top part of the bottle, and wait for when you want to use it. Shake it, lay it down and run.

How do you make a bottle rocket go further in the air?

1. Reduce the total mass (make it weigh less) 2. Improve stability- the greater the stability the straighter the rocket's flight the higher it will go, an unstable rocket will spin about erratically which greatly reduces the peak altitude (height) 3. Don't launch when it's cold and windy- both of these affect the rocket's altitude 4. Reduce the Cd (coefficient of drag)- this is rather complicated, you usually worry about this when you are designing a rocket, not after it's built. However, painting your rocket will help. 5. Get a bigger/more powerful motor!- the motor probably affects a rockets altitude more than anything else.

What nicknames does Polly Jane Rocket Adams go by?

Polly Jane Rocket Adams goes by Rocket.

How do they get coke in a can?

what they do is the have a little faucet at the warehouse and it spits out coke closes it and it goes on the the conveyer belt to the next station and then the next coke can is filled. -jolynn1017

Which soft drink goes flat the fastest?

Coke drink goes flat the fastest

What is the song that goes the sun beam hit the Jim Beam and ricochet off a bottle of coke?

Angels like her, Trent Tomlison

How does rocket goes up?

A rocket goes up by creating thrust through the combustion of rocket fuel in its engines. This thrust propels the rocket upwards against Earth's gravity, allowing it to overcome the force pulling it down and ascend into space. Once in space, the rocket continues on its trajectory due to its inertia.