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Q: What perspires half a pint of fluid a day?
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How much is 1500cc fluid a day?

That's 50.72 fluid ounces per day, or a little over a quart and a half.

How much sweat does one foot produce in one day?

On average, one foot can produce about half a pint (around 250 milliliters) of sweat in a day. Sweat production can vary depending on factors like activity level, temperature, and individual differences in sweat gland density.

What was the strangest cure for the black death?

It was said that in Edinburgh some people placed half a pigeon on to a buebo to draw out the poison. They also gave the infected a daily allowance of 1 pint of beer for free, and do bare in mind an old Scottish pint was eqivilant to three modern day pints!

You are 13 and you want to know how much water you should drink every day?

you should drink half your body weight in fluid oz.

Is it all right todrink a pint of beer a day?

Yes, if you are adult.

We replace the power steering fluid in our 1992 Lexus ls400 with half a bottle every day and wondered if it was a leak or if it just needs that much fluid because it is an older car?

time to change your extremely broken pump

How much is a pint in Dublin on Saint Patrick's Day?

That will depend on lots of things, like what drink you are getting a pint of and where you are buying it. You could pay anything from €4.50 to €7.00 on St. Patrick's Day.

How much sweat does your feet produce daily?

One half-pint. The human average amounts to one cup of foot sweat per day. (At first I typed food sweat. Eww.) That's what I learned this week.

Is this correct to say one an or a half day?

No, it is not correct to say "one an." The correct phrase is "one and a half day" to refer to one full day and half of another day.

When was The Later Half of Day created?

The Later Half of Day was created in 2008.

How much calcium to children need to keep their bones strong?

1 pint of milk a day

What is one half day and night called?

One half day and night is called a period of approximately 12 hours, commonly referred to as half a day.