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Underground Stem

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Q: What part of the ginger plant is used in health and medicine products?
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Is a ginger root a root?

Ginger is a spice

Are plants more important for medicine or for clothes?

Plants are more important for medicine than clothes. There is subsitude for plant fiber available for clothes but there is no subsitude for plant products used in medicine. The synthetic chemicals used as medicine have side effects. the plant products are by and large are quite safe.

What part of the plant is ginger?

The ginger is the root of the plant.

Herbal products that contain ginger?

Some herbal products that contain ginger include ginger tea, ginger capsules or pills, ginger essential oil, and ginger powder or extracts. Ginger is often used for its anti-inflammatory and digestive properties.

Where does ginger grow?

Ginger root is the underground stem of the ginger plant. The plant has a long history of cultivation, having originated in Asia and is grown in India, Southeast Asia, West Africa and the Caribbean. Ginger is a spice which is used for cooking and is also consumed whole as a delicacy or medicine.

What part of plant does ginger come from?

Ground Ginger comes from the ground lol it comes from plants!!!!!!!

Is wild ginger a flower?

It depends. If the wild ginger your talking about is a spice, then yes. The spice ginger comes from a flower. But not red ginger also known as ginger flower or alpinia purpurata. Hmmm...well if you are talking about spice ginger, then it is a flowering plant. The ginger comes from the tuber which it grows underground. The ginger you see in the supermarket is called Jamaican ginger. The problem here is the word flower. a flower is only part of a plant but in common usage has become the word for flowering plant. In answer to the question I think, wild ginger is a plant that has flowers.

What plant does ginger grow on?

The ginger lily.

Is ginger a fruit or a vegetable?

It is the root, of the ginger plant.

What part of the plant does ginger comes from?

The part of the plant that ginger comes from is the rhizome or the underground stem of the plant. One medicinal use of ginger is for the treatment of nausea.

What is a Ginger?

A ginger is a flowering plant whose rhizome is commonly used as a spice in cooking. It has a distinctive flavor that is slightly spicy and warm. Ginger is known for its many health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and digestive properties.

What is the type of katakataka root?

Katakataka root comes from the ginger family and is classified as a rhizome. It is commonly used in traditional medicine and cooking in some Southeast Asian countries for its potential health benefits.