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Eating it is probably number one. Cooking and canning, Freezing, salt cure, monosoduim glutamate additives, drying. Note: Monosodium glutamate is not a preservative. It is an additive used as a flavor enhancer.

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proper storing. Right Temperature.

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Q: What methods are used to prevent food from spoiling?
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How can people prevent food from spoiling?

Food can be preserved by putting into sealed cans. Or frozen, or kept cool in a refrigerator. Vacuum packing, freeze drying, salting, air or oven drying, pickling in vinegar, can also be used.

What methods are used to keep astonauts food from spoiling?

Mainly dried foods are used; they minimize the weight of food at take-off and water can be recycled.

Can you freeze vitiamin supplements?

Yes, but it shouldn't be used to prevent it from spoiling.

Which is not a method used to keep microorganisms from spoiling food?

Depending on the type of the food many methods of preservation exist: adding sugar, salting, irradiation with gammas, freezing, lyophilisation, pasteurization etc.

How was most food preserved in the past and what invention changed that?

In the past people used to pickle or cure their foods to keep the food from spoiling. And over the many years the refrigerator and freezer have made these methods less of a necessity than they once were.

Why are preservatives used in foods?

preservatives are used in foods to keep the food from spoiling in a short period of time

What is preservatives used for?

They are used primarily to preserve food. In other words, to slow down the process of food spoiling, becoming "flat," etc.

What is the main ingrediant in frozen foods that keeps them from spoiling?

Preservatives are used to keep food from spoiling. The ubiquitous monosodium glutamate is the most famous of these and is found in virtually everything.

What is the effect of potassium bisulphite as food preservative under various conditions?

Postassium bisulphate - KHSO4 - can be used as an food preservative to protect the food from micro-organisms.

How is food kept fresh in deserts?

The vast majority of people living in the deserts live in towns and cities where electricity is available to run coolers and refrigerators that are used to preserve food. Those without electricity must rely on methods such as drying or preserving by canning or storing in salt or brine to preserve food from spoiling.

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What methods are used to prevent a shark attacking humans?

staying out of the water.