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what method did earliest people use to cook food first? dry heat or moist heat

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Q: What method did earliest people use to cook food?
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Which method did the earliest people obtain food?

The earliest people obtained food by scavenging, hunting and gathering.

What does a cooking method tell you?

A cooking method tells you how much to put of a certain ingredient, how to cook the food, and how long to cook the food for.

Who were the people who first used fire to cook food?

cavemen? A2. The earliest is lost in the mists of time. From midden and fire remains, we can give an educated guess, but these have no guarantee of being the earliest.

What does the cook place your food on?

To serve the food, the cook might place it on a plate.

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Hunted and gathered food.

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Tudor people use ovens to cook their food.

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they throw their food in the water and use the sun to cook it to medium rare :)

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basically a cook is a maid who cooked food for people

Is it possible to cook food in the absence of air?

Yes. "Sous-vide" is such a method and is already being used.

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they cook it