depeneds where it is from chianti reserve must go through extra critiria such as barrel aging limiting the yield of the vines to improve quality etc etc. Most of it is actually marketing and reserve in most cases not a sign of a better quality just trying to make it sound better, just like the supermarkets special own brand
The winemaker maintains the wine's reserve acidity during aging by using techniques such as controlling temperature, choosing appropriate barrels, and monitoring the pH levels regularly.
answer 1: The colour in the wine is from soaking the skins of grapes in the juice during fermentation. It is not from the grapes, they are colourless. I suppose the colour is what makes it stain. answer 2: Spillling red wine on your shirt makes a red wine stain.. ^_^
1. A person who makes wine. 2. A wine merchant.
1. A person who makes wine. 2. A wine merchant.
Grape juice makes the best wine.
this is for the math sheet thingy: It should have 25 letters not including space. IT IS: A LION THAT MAKES ITS OWN WINE!
like all other makes the wine- by fermentation of the grapes
A cooper.
If a wine bottle is sealed with a cork, then it is opened with a corkscrew.
Expiratory reserve volume, tidal volume, inspiratory reserve volume, you amateurs
Vintner's Reserve Chardonnay is a wine from the Sonoma Valley wine country. It is produced by Kendall-Jackson Vineyard Estates in Santa Rosa, California.