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bacteria need to be at the right temperature to multiply (room temperature) which is why we freeze/cook food, temperatures that are to hot and too cold kill the spores (bacteria) and therefore kill them

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9y ago

Bacteria multiply when they are placed in a suitable environment with enough nutrients to grow. This means sufficient amino acids as well as humidity.

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Q: What makes Bacteria multiply?
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How much bacteria can multiply in a day?

Different types of bacteria will probably multiply at different rates.

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Why are bacteria bad at math?

Oh, dude, bacteria are terrible at math because they multiply by dividing! Like, they just can't add up to anything significant. Plus, they're too busy partying in your body to bother with equations. So, yeah, don't count on bacteria for any help with your calculus homework.

How fast do bacteria multiply?

In order for bacteria to multiply, they need warmth, moisture, food and time. There is no definitive answer as to how fast bacteria multiply since different bacteria grow at different rates. However, given the right environment, some bacteria can start to multiply immediately.

What type of food properties do not allow harmful bacteria to multiply?

Foods that are high in acid do not allow harmful bacteria to multiply rapidly.

Do bacteria multiply in air?

Bacteria can multiply in the air under certain conditions, especially in places with high humidity levels or in environments where there are nutrients for the bacteria to thrive. However, bacteria generally require a host or a suitable environment to multiply effectively, so the rate of multiplication in the air may be slower compared to on surfaces or in specific conditions.

Does temperature affect bacteria?

bacteria multiply s and grows quicker when warmer

Why are bacteria bad math?

Bacteria are bad at math because they divide to multiply.

What is the shortest time required for bacteria to double in number?

A common bacteria, E.coli, will multiply very fast. For example, an E.Coli will multiply into over a million bacteria in 8 hours.

As a spore some bacteria will what?

Multiply in the freezer

What do bacteria need to multiply?

Heat i think

What does not need a host organism to live and multiply?

Bacteria do not need a host organism to live and multiply.